Cloth Diapering

Fitted Prefolds - Micro Fleece Diaper Covers - Cloth Pads

Little Bear Bums Shop

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Joys of Cloth

When I first started cloth diapering I was using just plain flats and rubber pants. I hated it and didn't know any better. I used them in between disposables, and used cloth as little as possible. I had two babies in diapers when I finally made the change for good. It was a big job. So I love peoples excuse for not doing cloth is that it looks/sounds too hard. LOL! Being mom is hard. I love cloth diapering- as lots of people say, it is addicting. My girls are out of diapers now, and I hope to do cloth again soon!

So my diapers have come a long way. And I'm exited to be able to share them. They are easy to use and very adjustable.